Friday, December 3, 2010

Tune In Tomorrow...

For December Daily Day 2 and 3...Day 2 is done but I will photograph it tomorrow when the sun is back up and hopefully have Day 3 completed as well.

So far I find myself thinking about what story I want to tell today. I am thinking beyond the operating details of the day but I'm sure there will be days when the mundane details of the day are the story itself because they are real life, a part of the month. December isn't all happiness, generosity and warm, fuzzy feelings even though it's the holiday season. We've still had homework struggles, 2 year old meltdowns, sibling fights and, "just breathe and let it go" moments and that's just in the first 3 days! I'm going to choose to focus on the positive moments. Hopefully my DD will reflect that!

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