Saturday, February 26, 2011

Project 12-2011

It's my second year to work on Project 12 and I am so excited to do so. I love having a layout for each month to look back on. Here is January's sketch:

and here is my take on this layout:

All products are from the MLYB Twig line. When I went back through my January photos I found that I had not taken very many so I used a piece of patterned paper in place of a photo. It's hard to tell on the layout but I used pop dots on all of the chipboard accents except the corrugated flower. This came together so easily because of this great sketch. I even whipped up a card based on the left side of the page:

Looking forward to another year of Project 12 sketches!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


It is COLD here in Southern Alberta and I wish I could say I've been hanging out at home staying warm and scrapping but that's not the case! It's been a busy week, the kids were off school on Monday, I worked a casino on Tuesday, went to bible study on Wednesday then the mall with my neice, dropped of the boys applications to the NSA school Thursday along with an afternoon meeting and have plans to scrapbook tomorrow with a girlfriend.
Phew!! I'm tired recounting this and I have baseball registrations to input and scrapbook stuff to get ready for tomorrow.
Obviously I have had no time for scrapping so nothing new to share here. Hoping for a productive day tomorrow!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sketchy Thursdays-Card

O.k. , I just found the Sketchy Thursdays blog, I know where have I been...and the latest challenge was to use this sketch 
to make a holiday card...well I got the card part right ;). I actually came up with 3 generic cards, I may crank out a holiday one yet, stay tuned!

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another Busy Day

Suppertime has arrived and today has been all work, work, work which is okay. I completed my T4's and returned a bunch of Little League related emails and attended a meeting regarding the Small Group Gatherings we are trying to put together at church for Kingdom Now.

Before I knew it, it was time to pick up the boys from the bus stop and get home to prepare supper. The kids are all eating right now while I update this blog and DH is out at work. It feels like it's been a good day. So happy about that.

Since I have been so busy the past few days, my sweet 3 year old has had to occupy himself so mommy dug out the LeapPad and he has been LOVING playing with it.

This is one of those things I am happy I hung on to after Peyton was little. Love hearing his little voice mimicing the sounds and seeing him figure out what the pictures and sounds mean. We are so very blessed to have this little one in our lives :).

Monday, February 14, 2011


I have some time to blog!! My poor little blog has been so neglected lately, I haven't got much scrapbooking done either. Between being sick for two weeks, my volunteer positions requiring my attention and my hubby out of town for 4 days my "spare time" vanished.
I need to start scheduling my volunteer activities along with my business paperwork and my crafting!
Scrapbooking is a stress release for me, it helps keep me happy so that's something I don't want to be away from for extended periods of time. I'm grateful to have a hobby I enjoy so much and always keeps me interested.

On that good note, here are my latest two layouts which bring my goal of 50 layouts up to a whopping 9. Yes I have a ways to go but it will be fun trying to get there!

This layout uses supplies from the Fancy Pants Happy Together collection. It's based on the January 2011 page maps calendar sketch.

This layout uses MME patterned paper, thickers, Jenni Bowlin alphas a Jillibean journaling spot, a piece of a journaling block from Making Memories, a bit of bling on the butterfly that's hard to see and glimmer mist on the background that's a bit tough to see.

It felt so good to complete these and that was a sign to me that I'm over my cold since I had the motivation to scrapbook!

Friday, February 4, 2011


We are a baseball family not a hockey family which I know might seem strange since we live in Canada and in an NHL city but the kids have never had an interest in hockey. I'm okay with that. Baseball is cheaper and I don't mind how intensive it is, we only have a 2 month season, so we're only running like crazy for a couple of months but there are no 6:30am or earlier practices!

Why am I thinking about baseball in February?? Little League registration opens tomorrow for our league and I also volunteered to be the registrar so I will be super busy with registrations for the next month and half or so. I am looking forward to it! We're launching a new website and online registration and my position is a newly created one so I love learning new things and setting the standard so to speak of my children has their photo on the homepage, a photo I took and scrapbooked too ;) . Love how it all works back around to scrapbooking!

I have a layout in progress right now and I hope to get it completed this weekend. I also just picked up this SSZ Kit today and it is fantastic!! It's almost sold out so don't hesitate if you like what you see! Having been involved with other kit clubs in the past, I am overwhelming satisfied with the amount of product you receive for the price. You can create more than just a few single page layouts and that's important to me!

I probably won't get back here until Monday or Tuesday, it's Superbowl this weekend so my Sunday is occupied and my Saturday is filled with all things baseball and that's the weekend!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Remembering January...

So it's now February 2011, yikes! Where did January go?? As I was going through my photos for January, I noticed I took hardly any photos last month. I usually have extra photos that I have not used in my Project 12 layout but that may not be the case this month. I did LOTS of scrapping but not much photographing. That being said, here are a few photos from this month.

Daddy and Jack before haircuts (now I just need to take the AFTER photo!).

Daddy and Cole our blue-eyed boys (again I need to take the after the haircut photo).

Daddy reading to Cole, I took video with my Canon D60 of this and if I can figure out how to post it here I will but it turned out fantastic!

I have a scrapbook layout in progress and I hope to have it completed by tomorrow. Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Good Start

We have had some bitterly cold temps here for the last few days but warmer weather is right around the corner! It will make for very sloppy streets, AGAIN, but no more icy roads! Hopefully I will be over my cold by week's end, I HATE being sick!

I had a great start to the Winter Trash Your Stash challenge at Scrapshotz. I was very productive prior to becoming sick.

I made this large flower using the post it notes in the SEI Moonrise collection. The sentiment is also stamped on a post it note.
This card trio uses Kaisercraft After 5 product.
This is my favorite of the cards I made so far. Not my design idea, it's by Dawn McVey  I think it would make a great valentines card too using hearts instead of triangles for the banner. The patterned paper is by Kaisercraft as well.
This card as well uses Kaisercraft patterned paper and a die cut and a Tim Holtz embossing folder.
This layout uses some pieces from a couple of Studio Calico kits. The ruler ribbon is by Tim Holtz. The patterned paper is WRMK and Studio Calico. I have also used the Sew Easy and the iRock tool as well.
This layout uses Kaisercraft patterned paper & die cuts, Tim Holtz tissue tape, Jenni Bowlin sitckers.
Here is a detail shot of the right page:

This layout is based on a Page Maps sketch and uses SEI patterned paper. I'm sorry I don't know who makes these leaves, all of these items were from the November Scrapshotz monthly kit.

All in all I have had a great start to the Winter Trash Your Stash Challenge having completed 9/25 cards and 5/50 layouts!

Kraftin' Kimmie October Release Hop & Shop!

  Woohoo! Have you enjoyed all the incredible Krafty Peeks this week? So many amazing designs and samples from our Krafty Girls featuring ou...