Friday, April 30, 2010

Cropping and Baseball...

Yes, you're right!! Those two do not go together! This weekend is my long awaited 13 hour NSD crop at SSZ and, yes the first baseball game of the season for the boys. Last year I ducked out for a few hours to catch the game, I may do the same this year. Even though it's not the Major Leagues, well actually it is the Majors division but for 11&12 year olds, I love watching it! I've learned so much about the game from the boys' Little League games and with Jack playing on the team this year, it's doubly exciting for me!

I also love this NSD crop! This is my second one and with having been a Guest Design Team member at SSZ, I am really looking forward to seeing some old friends and making some new ones too IRL. Sandy puts together a great crop with a great goodie bag and door prizes too. Of course, shopping at the store is almost as much fun as the scrapping itself. You can also participate in some online NSD fun at SSZ if you were not able to get a spot at the crop

I spent this morning running some errands and getting my supplies and photos pulled together for a crop this evening at Rockpointe Church and the SSZ crop tomorrow. I'm sure I have waaaaaay more stuff packed than I'll actually use but I like to keep my options open! I hope to put these to work a bit

I have so many now, I'm afraid to count and I still always think I "need" other colors. It's definitely an addiction!

I hope to post some completed projects and update the baseball scores too on Monday! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hello Photoshop..

So I launched into PSE7 with the intention of creating some photo canvases and digi pages for Ali Edwards "A Week In the Life". It took me HOURS to do this page with a template nonetheless, but I like it. I actually created two, here is Day One, April 19/2010:

And here is  Day Two, April 20, 2010:

We have had some crazy weather here in Calgary, although it is actually quite common for the spring, SNOW!!!!!
The snow is acummulating here in Tuscany so I think the roads may be awful tomorrow morning.We'll deal with that in the morning. No baseball practice tonight, maybe tomorrow if it stops raining/snowing and dries out but, yay, NO!!!!
I get to meet with Britt B. to work on our bible study tomorrow and I am so looking forward to it. Thank you Lord!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Day After

"A Week In the Life", 7 days straight of documenting my life in photos and words and I did not take any pictures today at all! In fact, I did not do any crafting today whatsoever! It was not because I didn't want to, it was because I had office work to do and I would not allow myself to do anything until that work was done.

I am happy to say that I finished all the data entry and I will file and remit the GST tomorrow morning. So after that, I am free to do whatever I want! I want to finish uploading a printing my photos for "A Week In the Life", color some images with my Copics and also work on a bible study.

Today was also the first baseball practice of the season for Blake and Jack. I can not express how delighted I am that the boys are both on the same team and I believe it is the best team in Bowridge because it has the best coaches. It was fun to meet up with the parents we know from last season and also meet the parents of the new players. Their first game is next Monday, batting practice tomorrow and hopefully another practice before the game. So I'm looking forward to a great day tomorrow!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day Seven...

It's Sunday, the last day of my "Week In the Life" project and of course the Lord's Day. The focus of today was getting up and getting to church. I must admit I was very tired since I went to bed at 1am the night, or morning, before. The kids were up in good time and read the comics:
We all had some breakfast, got dresses and then we went to church. We heard a great message focused on prostitution which is a form of Human Trafficking, an issue our church is working on to raise money and awareness for .

We brought Thomas home from church with us and then Jeff and the girls joined us for hash browns and eggs for lunch.

After lunch, Blake and Thomas played MLB on the Wii
Cole went to bed, Daddy had a nap
The kids watched a movie, Harry Potter and Blake and Jack played basketball

Peyton cooked tortillas for supper,
Daddy managed the kids at dinner
 and bedtime and mommy uploaded photos and ordered prints tonight.
While Daddy moved the vehicles into the garage, Cole played the DS and cried because he thought Daddy was leaving:

Auntie Lou phoned and invited Daddy over to her home for a drink so Cole started saying "Auntie Lou" and Daddy took him to her house for his visit.

This ends a week in my life. This was a fun project and I really enjoyed recapping each day for my own memories. I pray that I will keep recording our family's memories on this blog!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day Six...

I was so excited about Jack being on the same baseball team as Blake I barely slept last night. I really, really wanted to get up early to pray and do my bible study so thankfully that was God's plan. He got me up at 7:30ish and I dug into my bible study homework, "Jesus the One and Only
I am so in awe of God and his goodness. I am so blessed to be doing this study right now! Praise Jesus! The rest of the morning was taken by reading, laundry, food prep, showers, etc.
playing with ColeGrocery Shopping
Groceries come home

The boys were really engrossed in their Harry Potter books, especially Jack and they were glued to them. When Blake and I came home from the grocery store Jack was very focused on the book and Blake was enjoying reading too.
Peyton kept Cole happy playing with him and building a "fort" and "surfing" with him
Peyton wanted to eat tortillas and purposed to cook them since Mom was taking Jack to baseball and she cooked them all herself!

Jack had a one hour hitting clinic and then we came home and picked up Blake for Royals practice. I'm still in shock that both boys are on the same Majors team. God is so good!! We went to practice but due to bad weather we were back home within an hour. We'll try again on Monday afternoon. Here is what it today looked like:
Yes SNOW!! Not ususual for this area!
So group hug:
Pantless football player:
Mommy cleaning
Family room warmth
Star Wars
Ray still working
Snowy Spring Weather
It's baseball season because it always seems to snow and be cold when baseball begins in Calgary. We are so grateful that Jack is on Blake's Major's team but sad that Thomas is not in the Majors this year.

Day Five...

Friday arrived and sure passed quickly! We day two of birthday celebrations for Ray, I took him out for dinner to the Broken Plate, we had a great meal. It was so cute at bedtime because the boys wanted to give Daddy a birthday present Jack gave him $5.00 of his own money and Blake came downstairs with his wad of cash and tried to give Daddy $40.00 but Ray told him he was happy with $5:

We have been waiting excitedly for a phone call to let Blake know when baseball practices begin, I received the following email:
To all the returning Royals ball players and to the newly selected players welcome to a new year of baseball. We will be having a practise on Saturday at 3:00 o'clock at Cosmo baseball diamond located by Shouldice Pool.

Naturally, I assumed that the message was for Blake only, there were no player names on the email, just parent email addresses so I was shocked when Coach Dennis called in the evening and told us that Jack is on the team too!! We're so excited! We won't have to be out every night of the week for ball, the brothers get to play together and Jack is getting excellent coaching. Here are the excited boys after hearing the news:

Our day finished off with lots of excitement, in fact, I had a hard time sleeping I was so excited for the boys. The day passed as follows:

Making lunches, breakfast, cleaning up the kitchen

Driving to the mechanics to drop off Ray's vehicle and pick Ray up

Saying by to Daddy as he goes to work

Finishing up a scrapbook lo

Working on "Week in the Life"
Home from school just hanging out with the ipod
Friday night beer for Ray
Working on another scrapbook lo
Goofing around before bedtime

That was Friday, April 23, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day Four...

So today I have been less enthusiastic about "A Week in the Life" but I think that's because I'm tired. I've gone to bed after midnight two nights in a row mostly because I'm uploading photos and updating my blog at the end of the day. In addition, I didn't clean up the kitchen completely last night and that always makes me grumpy when I see the mess first thing in the morning. 

It's an exciting day in our house as it's Ray's birthday today!! He turned a young 44 today and we had Chinese food for his birthday supper tonight. We will have birthday cheesecake tomorrow evening. I am going to take him out to dinner at the Broken Plate without kids, just the two of us! Looking forward to that.

Young Cole did not sleep at all today. I had hoped he would have a short nap at least but that didn't happen. In fact, when I went to get him out of bed he was standing in his crib butt naked! His clothes were thrown on the floor and his diaper was off, lying in his crib. Oh, did I mention it was a poopy diaper?!? Yup, that's why there are no photos of the event. I had to clean him up before I had a big mess on my hands. Thankfully he didn't sit down after he got his diaper off so there was no poop in his bed.

Peyton had a Celebration of Learning concert at school today. It was fantastic! She had a speaking part and did a fabulous job, I was so proud of her! Ray had come with us but he didn't see the concert. He dropped me at the school and took Cole with him to run an errand. Ray took her back to school at 6:30pm for the evening performance, he'll try to watch it then. It was nice to have him out with Cole and I got some nice photos of them together.

Once we arrived at home, Ray ordered the Chinese food and then left to see a client before picking up the food up. I worked on a scrapbook lo and the kids read/watched tv until the food arrived, oh the boys set the table for me. It is so great that they are now old enough to help me out around the house in so many ways.

The rest of the evening was taken up with correcting homework, cleaning up the kitchen, surfing the 'net as well and a bit of telly too! Peyton arrived back home at 8:20pm and she was tucked into bed by 8:35pm-record time! The one advantage of Cole not napping is that he was in bed by 7pm so the evening has been very quiet with him asleep.

Now I'm watching the rain fall, we needed it so badly, as I type. I hear my bed calling me so I'll put the leftovers in the fridge and then hop into bed. I'll sign off with a few images from today...

The Birthday Boy

business as usual for Ray

Birthday message from the kids

Helping mom craft

Blogging about today

Praying before bed

Yay, Rain!!!

My little girl with her favorite stuffie, Winks

Kraftin' Kimmie October Release Hop & Shop!

  Woohoo! Have you enjoyed all the incredible Krafty Peeks this week? So many amazing designs and samples from our Krafty Girls featuring ou...