Sunday, July 31, 2011

Week In The lIfe-Day 5 & 6

Friday was a day that can best be defined as LAZY!!!
I was so lazy, no desire to do anything but lay around on the sofa. That's okay right? It doesn't happen very often but it was soooo nice to have no plans, or HAVE to go out anywhere.
Needless to say, my photos were few and far between but here is Friday in photos:

Hugs from big brother Blake.
Jack's glasses, all of 3 weeks old.
Blake trying out his new bat.
My smashbook.

I took even less photos on Saturday and I'm okay with that! I went to the mall to buy some skincare products and makeup from Sephora and also bought myself a "maxidress" in the petite INC section at the Bay. I got a great deal on it, $43.00 for a $99.00 dress. We had out-of-town company on Saturday and had a great time together! Here are a few photos of our day:

Peyton helping Cole put his shoes on, against her will ;)>
Mom opening the blinds to brighten up the interior!
Fridge full of food awaiting dinner guests!
Peyton and Mom just before bed!

While getting ready for company I was reminded how great it feels to work as a team to accomplish a goal. Ray and I split up the tasks that had to get done before company arrived and we both felt relaxed the entire day as a result. I in particular, learned to just take a breath and be appreciative of all that Ray was able to do for me, not be critical of every i dotted and t crossed by him. This daily photo and words project has helped me to be remember that there are lessons to be learned and wonderful memories in the "everyday" of our lives.
Thanks for sharing it with me!


I printed out this great sketch by Julie Bonner at the beginning of July from SEI and just got to it on the last day of July ;) . Julie has the best sketches and while I ordinarily struggle making layouts with my SEI papers on my own, I have no trouble when I used Julie's sketch, thanks Julie!

I am so pleased with how this turned out. All products are SEI except the cardstock which is Bazzill.

This layout is about how my daughter would love to have a pet cat but two of us in the family are allergic to cats so no go ;). I know it's hard to tell but there is a cat in the photo, honestly!!!
Thankfully Uncle Gerry has lots of cats at his house so she can go over and play with them whenever she wants.

Thanks for looking!

Sketchy Thursday 07.28

We have an incredibly hot day today, which is not  common around here so it's turned into a great day to stay inside and scrapbook! It gave me the opportunity to work with this latest sketch from Sketchy Thursday :

Here is my take on the sketch:

I've used patterned paper from Prima, Collage Press and The Girls Paperie along with 7Gypsies tape, Jenni Bowlin butterflies and alphas, Making Memories brads, My Minds Eyes rhinestones and Glimmermist and Perfect Pearls.
Thanks for taking a look :) !

Friday, July 29, 2011

Week In The Life-Day Four

Today marked our very last baseball game of the season!! It was the bronze medal game between Bowridge and North Regina and the kids played a great game to win 13-12 and bring home the bronze medal at the prairies tournament.
Now it feels like the last day of school all over again as we officially have nothing on the horizen but summer!
Here is Thursday in photos:


baseball game.

kids relaxing playing Minecraft and the Wii.

funtime for Mom, my Smashbook.

getting ready for bed.

One thing I find myself being more aware of is the lighting when I am taking my photos. You can see how much it varies around my house. I am going to play around in PSE when I put the pages together to adjust them but I've also enjoyed playing around with the AV setting on my camera to improve the lighting although that doesn't always work with moving subjects. Taking all these photos is a great opportunity to practice and learn more about my camera.

That's day four, thanks for looking!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Week In The Life-Day Three

The day got off to an early start, in my opinion, I was up by 8:15 as Jack needed to be at batting practive for 10am. Sounds like lots of time to get ready but I need at least 45 minutes to flat iron my hair ;).
I had the chance to read my bible and write in my journal this morning and this verse really caught my eye this morning:

"My salvation and honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge." Psalm 62:7

This was so good for me to read before an important baseball game for Jack. I think it's sometimes more difficult for the parents than their kids playing to not put their own success or self-worth on how they play in the game. I want Jack to do well but ulimately, he is not a better or worse person because of what he does on the ball diamond. He's loved by God no matter what, along with his teammates, whether they know Him personally or not. Consequently I was supportive but calm during todays game and not at all upset that they lost. They move on to play for 3rd place tomorrow morning and I am so excited for them-for Jack-to have that opportunity.

Here is our Wednesday in photos:
Teeth brushed in the recommended time! Love my Oral B power toothbrush!
Just poured my cup of coffee, heading out the door for batting practice!
In the vehicle at the diamond for batting practice, off to Foothills soon!
Here's Jack in the warmup at Foothills, North Regina won the consolation game before so they will play Medicine Hat in the game after ours to go to the Bronze Medal game.
Ready to eat after the loss, Bowridge lost to Lethbridge SW and will play for 3rd place at 9am, good job kids!!!!
This is when we arrived home and I had to clean up the kitchen cause Ray didn't have time before he left and neither did I ;)

So Ray brought Peyton home and she watched the Princess Diaries, the boys played MineCraft and I got caught up on my blog reading. Another busy day for this Week In the Life project but a great snapshot of our life with an All-Star baseball player. We may not have this experience again next summer so glad to have it now. Here is the rest of our day in photos:

Yum, bbq'd chicken!

Jack is crawling on the counter, why???
Jack didn't believe me that there was batting practice this morning because he didn't hear it said himself.
I need to spend more time listening to the kids talk to each other, just plain listening.

Hearing Blake and Jack laughing together while  watching Blake play Minecraft, love that they enjoyed each others company rather than competing against each other :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week In the Life-Day Two

The day began at 8:30am for us as Petyon was going to Grandma's for a sleepover so I drove her over before Jack's baseball game. The weather was horrible so I was not sure if the game was going to take place but it did! It began a half hour late while people worked to get the diamond in shape. After another rain delay in the 5th inning we got the game in, a 10-2 win for Bowridge so we move on to the semi-final game.

After the game we went home and brought along one of Jack's teammates. I had a chance to grab a bite the eat, the ball players ate at the diamond. The kids played some video games, Wii baseball for Blake and his friend and Jack played Minecraft. I took the opportunity to have a little rest during this time as we were going to Boston Pizza for a team dinner later and I didn't have to cook supper.

We went out for dinner at 7pm and had a great time. Cole loved hanging out with the big boys! We all had a great time. My meal was okay, I ordered the Teriyaki Rice Bowl and my only complaint was that it had far too much teriyaki sauce so I would order it with the sauce on the side next time ;) .

It was 9:30pm by the time we got home and after time by the time I got everyone in bed. I was so happy to rest my head on my pillow last night!

Here are some photos from our day:

Thanks for taking a look at my life ;))))))

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week in the Life-Day One

Started to document my week yesterday and realized that I haven't had much time to document anything this summer with Jack's baseball schedule. Yesterdays game was right in the middle of the day so not much time before or after combined with Jack's tutoring session too. We did have a lovely day for the game and my favorite moment of the day was sitting down in the evening and writing down some thoughts from the day. Here are some highlights from Monday, July 25.

The little guy so loves spending time outside. Jack had a moment when "persnickety jack" made an appearance and the best way to deal with that is calmly and kindly and that brings back "nice Jack" in a hurry.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sketchy Thursday 07.21

Here is my take on the latest sketch from Sketchy Thursday. I began with this:

I switched up my version changing the placement of the patterned paper background and came up with this:
I've used glimmer mist and some bits and pieces from my stash, a Crate Paper glitter border, The Twinery twine, Kaisercraft pearls, Jenni Bowlin rub on, Prima flower and a Heidi Swapp sticker. The journaling is written on the title card and hidden behind the photos. Another layout that came together quickly thanks to this great sketch!

Kraftin' Kimmie October Release Hop & Shop!

  Woohoo! Have you enjoyed all the incredible Krafty Peeks this week? So many amazing designs and samples from our Krafty Girls featuring ou...