Monday, November 29, 2010

Only Two More Sleeps...

Until December Daily begins!!!

I am so looking forward to this. I hope to involve the entire family in this project, especially with the gratitude aspect. It's so easy, for kids especially, to focus on the the gifts and getting stuff at Christmas so I want this project to have an aspect of thankfulness that I'll document. I feel far more organized and ready to go for DD this year than I was last year. Here is my title page just completed today:

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Project 12-October


Click HERE if you've dropped by to see my December Daily and thanks for looking!

I am so late with the layout but thrilled with how it turned out! Sorry for the slight glare on one of the photos.

I've used the Basic Grey basics as the base for this. I had to stick with neutral colours since I had so many different colours going on in the photos. The alphas, epoxy stickers, chipboard buttons and bling are all items that have been hanging around my stash for awhile as well as the patterned paper along the bottom.

Now to get after November's sketch, the month is almost over already!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Hello! If you've dropped in to view my December Daily, just scroll down a bit to get to it!

We have been in a deep freeze the last few days and today has been the coldest yet and we are only at the beginning of winter, oh well, it is Canada! The thermometer dipped to -31 C with the wind chill for the kids bus ride to school and by Friday we are looking at +1 C. Yes that is common in this part of Canada!

We did brave the elements to go to our local Canadian Football League game, the Calgary Stampeders matching up against the Saskatchewan Roughriders for a spot in the Grey Cup final in Edmonton. It was
-23c with the windchill at kickoff. The Grey Cup has been contested for almost 100 years and this years version is the 98th. The home team (Calgary) lost so it's a rematch against Montreal. It got me thinking about the last time a team won back to back Grey Cups so thanks to Google I found out that the Toronto Argonauts were the last team to win the Cup two years running in 1996 & 1997. The game takes place this coming Sunday and I and my family will be fervently cheering for the Alouettes!!! Go Montreal Go!!

In between shopping for thermal underwear and keeping the kids entertained indoors, I completed a few projects and here are a couple.

Ooops, it's a pretty small image, sorry about that.

It's hard to see on the double page layout but I used my iRock to adhere a border of glam rocks exactly like the ones on the card. I've been having so much fun playing with the tool!

Thanks for looking!

Friday, November 19, 2010

It's Winter Alright

Well winter has arrived with a vengence, not only have we had lots of snow, it is also very cold with temps at -16 and below (celsius). It sure feels like it's time to put up the Christmas decorations and Ray and I hit the mall today to take care of the Christmas shopping along with a bunch of other people judging by the traffic in the mall.

Anyways, here is the view on my deck yesterday morning and this snow had been falling since Monday evening:

so with the cold and snow I was very motivated to work on this:
it's our family christmas card photo. Can you see my Wacom Bamboo Pen Tablet in the foreground? Wow that is SO much fun to use! I made a couple of samples and enlisted my talented friend Heather to decide on which one to use so stay tuned for the product!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

December Daily Ready to Go!

Well I had a very productive weekend completing the foundation pages for Ali Edwards' December Daily project. Thanks to Ali's organizational tips from last year, all my Christmas items were already pulled together in a plastic bin so I was ready to go in mere minutes. I decided to use a 6x6 American Crafts album. Sounds small I know but I want to keep this fairly simple as that will keep me motivated to work on this daily. I still have a title page to do and I did have a little hiccup along the way, let me know if you notice what it is, I didn't catch it until I starting photographing the pages to post. So I decided to dedicate two facing pages per day, one page for journaling, receipts, etc. and the other for photos however I can also easily add another page in between if I need more space for journaling or photos.

All cardstock used for this project is Bazzil unless otherwise noted.
Pattern papers are My Minds Eyes and the leftovers from my Scrapshotz December kit (SEI-Alpine Frost) from last year, nice to finish them up. Chipboard is by DCWV, SEI and Tattered Angels. Red mist is Maya Road all other mist used is Glimmer Mist by Tattered Angels. Numerals are Thickers, MM, Doodlebug, Heidi Swapp and Jenni Bowlin. I've also used various accents from Making Memories and Petaloo along with masks from Tattered Angels.

So that's it, 25 pages ready to go. Can't wait for December now!

Hello Winter...

It's official, winter has arrived. The white stuff started falling last night and it's cold outside. Roads are icy too so I'm glad not to have to go anywhere today.

As promised in my last post, here is a photo of my new shelf in my scrap room:

The best part about it is the surface area on the top I have to work on. It sure came in handy when I was working on my December Daily foundation pages. Stay tuned to see what they look like!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Fun!

Last week I installed an Ikea Expedit shelf in my scrap room and I am head over heels in love with it! Here is the shelf in the process of being put together:

Yes, that's my little "helper" !

As I had my back turned while I was putting the camera down, I heard a slight "crreeeak" and turned around to find my "helper" trying to climb on this shelf before it was completely put together. Thankfully I stopped him before he was able to get all his bodyweight on it! It's all together now and I have been enjoying using it. Now I am teasing you because I haven't taken an after shots of the shelf yet! Here is a  "before" shot and tune in tomorrow for the "after".

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

More Projects

As I mentioned yesterday, I took part in an online crop at Scraphotz this past weekend and here are some more projects.

It certainly was a productive weekend!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Too Long Between Posts

Sorry for the lack of posts. I got caught up in an online over at Scrapshotz Friday until today so I did not get around to posting here until now. A bunch of stuff to share today. This beautiful sunrise captured on Thursday morning:

The little guy did lots of this while I was scrapbooking

Here are a few projects I completed this weekend, I will share more tomorrow too!

Kraftin' Kimmie October Release Hop & Shop!

  Woohoo! Have you enjoyed all the incredible Krafty Peeks this week? So many amazing designs and samples from our Krafty Girls featuring ou...