Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another Dreary Day

I must admit that this rainy, drizzly weather completely saps my motivation. All I feel like doing is lying around on the sofa and watching television which I actually did do for a couple of hours. Ray and I are in declutter mode now so he is taking on one of the basement storage rooms and I am going to do some purging in my craft room. I already cleaned out one of the kitchen "junk" drawers and some of the boys' clothes out of their dressers. It seems like a never ending task but hey, we're a family of 6, it takes lots of stuff to keep the family ticking!

Once again I did not have enough light to photograph my latest paper projects but I do have this layout to share from a recently completed layout tag at Scrapshotz.

All products are Bo Bunny except for the cardstock which is Bazzil.

Keep warm and dry!

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Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Mid-Month Inspiration!

  Good morning and welcome to our Mid Month Inspiration post for this month's challenge at Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps! We are back today...