Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

My wonderful husband planned a Mothers Day brunch for myself, my mom and my MIL. It was one of my favorite meals, bacon, hashbrowns and eggs and pineapple and watermelon. Then we played Yatzhee and visited. All in all a nice day, capped off by the Amazing Race finale and the Celebrity Apprentice.

Thanks for a lovely day Ray!!

Here is a card I made for a birthday party dd will be going to in a week:

and one of the collage pages I made for the "Week In the Life" project
This page documented laundry, bible study, reading, scrapping time and naptime. Just a few activities in our daily life!

The boys ball team lost 1-0, that's 3 losses in a row now but that will improve as we have had more games than practices this season so far. Wins or losses it is a wonderful year having both boys on the same team. Thank you LORD!

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