Monday, September 17, 2012

A Layout Tag...

We play layout tag every month at Scrap Shotz and it is lots of fun!
I was tagged by my fellow Creative Team member Jamie and this is what her lovely layout inspired:

"1rst Research Project"
patterned paper-Studio Calico "Elementary; hexagon stickers-Jenni Bowlin; alphas-Prima & MME; blossoms-Prima;brads-AC; bling-Imaginisce

My daughter was so proud of her first research project on the platypus in 2010. I love how this turned out and it came together very quickly. I finished this in a few hours instead of a few days :).
You can see all of the participants layouts here and it is not too late to join our September layout tag here.

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Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Mid-Month Inspiration!

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