Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Scrapshotz November Kit Creative Team Reveal

The Creative Team at Scrapshotz revealed our projects for the the November Kit featuring the Simple Stories 25 days Christmas line. You check out the entire creative team's projects here .
I really enjoyed working with this one! I initially thought I would only be able to create Christmas projects with this line and while that was the majority of projects, I did manage to make a couple of birthday cards and a school layout. Here are my November kit projects:

Phew! Did you count all those? It was a total of 11 projects and I didn't even touch any stickers except a few alphas! I've got some paper and all the number stickers to use in my DD and to make a few more cards!
Thanks for taking a look :)

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Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Mid-Month Inspiration!

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