Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day Five...

Friday arrived and sure passed quickly! We day two of birthday celebrations for Ray, I took him out for dinner to the Broken Plate, we had a great meal. It was so cute at bedtime because the boys wanted to give Daddy a birthday present Jack gave him $5.00 of his own money and Blake came downstairs with his wad of cash and tried to give Daddy $40.00 but Ray told him he was happy with $5:

We have been waiting excitedly for a phone call to let Blake know when baseball practices begin, I received the following email:
To all the returning Royals ball players and to the newly selected players welcome to a new year of baseball. We will be having a practise on Saturday at 3:00 o'clock at Cosmo baseball diamond located by Shouldice Pool.

Naturally, I assumed that the message was for Blake only, there were no player names on the email, just parent email addresses so I was shocked when Coach Dennis called in the evening and told us that Jack is on the team too!! We're so excited! We won't have to be out every night of the week for ball, the brothers get to play together and Jack is getting excellent coaching. Here are the excited boys after hearing the news:

Our day finished off with lots of excitement, in fact, I had a hard time sleeping I was so excited for the boys. The day passed as follows:

Making lunches, breakfast, cleaning up the kitchen

Driving to the mechanics to drop off Ray's vehicle and pick Ray up

Saying by to Daddy as he goes to work

Finishing up a scrapbook lo

Working on "Week in the Life"
Home from school just hanging out with the ipod
Friday night beer for Ray
Working on another scrapbook lo
Goofing around before bedtime

That was Friday, April 23, 2010

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