Friday, February 28, 2014

Project Life 2014>>Week 6

Hello Project Life Week 6!

Boy the days feel like they're flying by! We're well into the 2nd month of the year and I'm still excited to be doing this project again. I must be honest though, I do usually hit a time of year where I question why I started this project but I'll stay positive and hope I stay enthusiastic the entire year. Starting the year as a member of the Stuck On U Sketches Project Life team sure helps with motivation and really the Project Life Challenges at SOUS are a great way to stay motivated with this  year long project.

Here's my week 6 spread

For this spread I used a variety of items, a filler card from the PL Midnight core kit, SN@P journal cards, MME enamel dots, a Studio Calico mailer card I cut down to 4x6 and the front cover of the program from our church service this week. I also added some word stickers from a past Scrap Shotz kit. One of the interesting things I did here was to cut a 4x6 photo into two 3x4's and place them in side by side pockets. I've seen other people do this and I really like the look.

Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

Charlotte Brochu said...

Great job with the PL challenge! I know that I too reach a certain point of losing motivation, but I"ve now switched to just doing PL for a yearly album instead of doing a scrapbooked one! This is my second year doing it that way and I love it so far!

Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Mid-Month Inspiration!

  Good morning and welcome to our Mid Month Inspiration post for this month's challenge at Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps! We are back today...