Monday, March 28, 2011


Well I am away on a short little vacation to Montana! I really tried to leave my computer at home but couldn't bear to leave it behind so I'm still able to enjoy some evening blog surfing. We are enjoying ourselves and loving the time to just hang together as a family with no schedules or other priorities.

The kid spent a bunch of time at the swimming pool today and we hope to log in some time tomorrow too. I am really looking forward to trying out my new runners in the fitness room tomorrow too. I got myself a pair of the new Nike Free shoes. They are amazingly light and designed to fit the natural motion of your foot. I'll give a review after I've tried them out a few times.

I'm going to enjoy a glass of wine and perusing the spring edition of Scrapbook & Cards Today which also turned 5 years old today! Congrats SCT!

Cheers from Montana!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

We're on Spring Break

My kids began Spring Break on Friday and I don't know who was more excited, mom and dad or the kids!
So nice to have a break from early wake ups and school lunches!

We are planning a few days away. Going to Great Falls, Montana. Ray booked us in at the Holiday Inn which has all the amenities, pool, fitness centre and restaurant to name a few. I even found myself a new swimsuit today so I can hit the pool with the family!
Looking forward to relaxing and just hanging out together and my hard working husband is so in need of a vacation!

Here are my latest projects and since I am not planning on taking along any scrappy items, it will be at least a week before I have any new projects to post.

This last one is based on a sketch on the inside of the front cover of the PageMaps 2011 Sketch Calendar.

Thanks for looking!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


It's been busy last month and a half. Ray has been quite busy at work which makes for lots of evenings on my own and today I am just so very tired. With 4 kids there has been someone sick every week for the last 6 weeks or so and throw in myself and Ray coming down with what they've had and we can't seem to get rid of the illness bug. Good thing we are planning a little trip next week for Spring Break. We are going to Great Falls to just hang out and rest for a few days. I'm so looking forward to that.

Enough whining from me now. Here's a layout I did for a layout tag over at Scrapshotz this weekend.

I used 7 Gypsies patterned paper, Jenni Bowlin butterflies, AC ribbon, coredinations & bazzil cardstock and MME alphas along with glimmer mist. I love how this turned out!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Beginning to Feel Like Spring...

We had a beautiful day here and it's beginning to feel like spring is arriving. There is LOTS of melting snow still. Thank goodness Ray bought that carwash card because we have put it good use. He paid $190.00 for 90 days worth of car washes (one per day). When haven't used it, he's given it to his brother and co-workers to make use of.
This weather also makes baseball season more of a reality. Registration closed for our Little League association this week so my work as Registrar has dropped off significantly. Now we are going to baseball camps (thank goodness for the indoor facility) and looking ahead to team selection and the start of our 2 month season. I hope to get back to more scrapping but I do have to get our personal and corporate tax info ready so that may put a small damper on my crafting time.
In any event, here are a few more layouts:

The paper embellies are pop-up circles. These are so easy and fun to make!

My favorite types of layouts to scrapbook are those about our everyday life. Here are a couple:
I love that woodgrain paper, so happy I bought TWO sheets!
I love the Sassafrass border sticker on the right, such a simple, effective accent!
Daddy loves to wrestle with the kids and Peyton had fun taking him on. I was excited to see this layout featured HERE on the Scrapshotz blog!

Here's what I've been up to so far this early spring. Looking forward to what's to come!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Project 12-February

Hey there!

Here to share my February Project 12 layout. I didn't think I would have time to create this this month but I pleasantly suprised myself. The February sketch was a great one to work with but I did have trouble with one thing...the tree! I would have loved to put one on this layout but I don't even know where to begin to try to find tree embellies so feel free to share your tree resources if you're using them on your Project 12 layouts!

Enough talk, here's the layout (just click on it to see it larger):

a couple of close ups:

I used a bunch of different products from my stash, some Basic Grey, Bazzill cs, pieces from a Studio Calico kit, that little black chipboard button is Lily Bee, some Glitz mini alphas and the owl's eyes are iRock gems on Making Memories buttons, oh yeah a touch of Glimmer Mist too. That little owl is my favorite part of this layout along with that orange paper. I also threw in some orange tape, I don't remember the manufacturer of that, just that I got it in a Studio Calico kit.

So there it is, Project 12 February DONE...on to March now :). Thanks for looking!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Week Already??

Has a week already passed? Wow, did it fly by! I am slowly getting over the flu from last week. I'm back working out. It's been 3 days in a row doing my new TurboFire workouts! If you've heard of TurboJam, these are similar and killer for the core! I've become so lazy in the past 6 months my goal is to get fit and strong again, back to the place where I am not obsessing over my food intake.
I haven't had much time to scrapbook lately, mostly because of some volunteer committments and being sick. I am getting together with my best friend tomorrow to scrap and am looking so forward to it!
I was able to complete a few projects even with my limited time and here they are!

This layout was for a challenge to write letter from your older self to your younger self. I chose to write to myself as a new mom of one from my place as a mom of four.
I finally opened up my Cosmo Cricket circa 1934 paper pack for this layout. I'm pleased with how easily I was able to adapt this line to this theme.
I made this card with my 12 year old son in mind, he turns 13 in a couple of weeks. Yikes! a teenager in our midst!

This card was created for another SSZ online crop challenge to go crazy with borders. All the supplies were from a Scrapshotz monthly kit featuring Basic Grey. Love how it turned out.

This last layout is one of my most favorite kinds to do, a piece of everyday life. These were all supplies from a Scrapshotz monthly kit except for the alphas which are Sassafrass Lass and Jenni Bowlin.

So we're all on the mend here and I'm looking forward to a great day scrapping with my friend tomorrow!

Friday, March 4, 2011


TODAY!!! I'm excited for the Scrapshotz online crop which starts tonight at 6pm MST and runs through until Sunday. I look forward to the great challenges the DT comes up with and the opportunity to complete a BUNCH of projects. The sneaks for "A Night at the Oscars" were very intriguing so here's hoping my flu doesn't keep me from crafting!

I did a LOT today so I hope I haven't tired myself out. Funny how at one point I felt that I hadn't done much because I didn't tick off everything on my TO DO list yet today I:
- picked up, dusted, vacuumed the basement
- cleaned the kitchen
- picked up household items at Wal-Mart
- picked up ingredients for dinner at Sobeys
- mailed letters
- did some banking
- put away the shopping
- cooked lunch
- changed diapers
- took apart Cole's crib
- reaaranged and vacuumed Cole's room
- did 3 loads of laundry
- cooked supper
All of this before 6pm. So making this list made me realize that while there are other things still to be done, I have accomplished much already. I need to look at ALL the things I do in a day rather than focus only on what I didn't get done. Some days I'll get more done and sometimes less and that's okay.

Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Mid-Month Inspiration!

  Good morning and welcome to our Mid Month Inspiration post for this month's challenge at Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps! We are back today...