Monday, January 31, 2011

On a Card Roll

I am not really a card maker but I challenged myself to make 25 cards using only items in my current stash. I am so pleased with how these turned out using the SEI Moonrise line.

Two out of 25 done, 23 more to go!

Thanks for looking!

My Friend, Kleenex

Yes I have finally been struck by the cold that has been making the rounds in my family. While I did not feel too bad when it started on Wednesday, I am now REALLY dragging around. I hope to have it kicked by Thursday when my hubby heads out of town for a few days. In spite of the cold or maybe because of it, I got lots of scrappy projects completed. I've made a good start on the Winter Trash Your Stash Challenge I am participating in at Scrapshotz. I'll share some of those projects later as I track my progress here.

Friday, January 28, 2011

50 and 25

So what do those numbers represent? I've joined a challenge at Scrapshotz called "Winter Trash Your Stash". I've committed to using only products that are currently living in my stash to complete 50 layouts and 25 cards. Not allowed to use new purchases on these projects, for me that means nothing purchased after the sign up date of this week. Some people commit to not purchasing anything until they've met their goal but I am not that disciplined with all the new CHA goodies being released! I am going to post these projects here to keep myself accountable to completing this challenge.

Feel free to check out the challenge HERE and play along too if you'd like!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I've been neglecting my blog the last few days. I've been knee deep in some paperwork and by the time I've put it away for the evening I'm ready for bed.

I did complete some projects on the weekend though. My favorite is this one:

I painted this Kaisercraft frame with Glimmer Glam and used supplies from the Scrapshotz January kit. I also added some gems with the iRock, Prima flowers and a couple of Chatterbox flower centers. The "pledge" is from the bible study I am currently taking entitled "Lord, Change My Attitude".  It really stuck in my mind and I wanted to display it somewhere we all would see it on a daily basis and this empty frame was the perfect place for it.

I also tackled these first day of school photos from this school year.
I used some OA on this layout. Vintage is not really my style but I also have fun challenging myself to use products that are not my usual syle.
I finally used this Studio Calico stamp as a border around the edge of this page. Now that I see this page I'm wondering what I was thinking putting that square of dark grey cardstock in the upper left corner. It doesn't seem to belong. Oh well, not every layout is a masterpiece! I really like the wood look alphas!

I have one last first days of school layout to finish and then it's on to the school portraits, I may actually be all caught up with the kids school photos until the end of the year!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Race

Well we played a round of card tag at Scrapshotz and my inspiration was this by Jess Duerksen

and I created this

The patterned paper and die cut are by Jenni Bowlin, image from Stampin Bella, chipboard hearts are by Riff Raff and the black gems are Imaginesce adhered with the iRock tool, I think the black ribbon is May Arts but I am not positive about that, it was from a Scrapshotz kit.

A Couple More


This was a photo of my son who was too sick to get off the couch. I think he really wanted Mommy to stay home with him, I was supposed to go to a wedding and ended up staying home with him. I like the flowers on this layout but not the colour I misted them. I think I will change them out for either just plain white or a bright blue. The colour just looks kind of odd.

I love how the kraft cardstock just balances the entire page out. The added bling at the top is my favorite part of this, other than the photos of course.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More Layouts

Here are a couple more layouts I completed on the weekend.

This layout was from our family trip to Lethbridge, Alberta for our 10yr olds baseball tournament last summer. I've used Bazzil cardstock and all the stickers and alphas are by My Little Yellow Bicycle.
This layout is about my little one running the bases after his big brother's baseball game. He's only two so he can be excused for running them backwards. We have a few years to teach him how to do it correctly. Cardstock is from Bazzil, patterned papers are My Little Yellow Bicycle, alphas are October Afternoon and the stars are Glitz.

Thanks again for looking and there will be more layouts tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

On a Roll...

This past weekend I cropped all day Friday with a girlfriend and then all day Saturday at another friend's fundraising crop. It was a super productive weekend (for me anyways).

Yes I did mostly two page layouts. I must admit I LOVE all the space there is for designing when you spread the photos across two pages. I'm reminded that when I first started scrapping I pretty much made ONLY two page layouts. Probably because I was not as selective with my photos so I had OODLES & OODLES of photos that I felt I HAD to scrap. I don't regret that at all. I'd rather have too many memories than wish I just had another photo of ?-insert name of person, place or thing :).

More to come tomorrow!

Monday, January 17, 2011


I have had this photo hanging around for a couple of years now and I finally got around to scrapping it. These two thought it would be fun to switch clothes and I'm happy they posed for me, especially my sweet boy.

I finally found a use for this OA paper! It's lovely but I struggle using this type of pattern but the theme of it worked great for this photo. I also used some OA stickers and Cosmo Cricket patterned paper. The flourish are Glam Rocks adhered with the iRock tool. I love that tool oh and there are some iRock gems on the flower stickers too. The title at the bottom is a rub on by Lily Bee.

Thanks for looking!

Friday, January 14, 2011


I spent today scrapbooking with a girlfriend and my favorite layout was this one:

I used the Stacey Julian Coredinations cardstock and I love how this turned out! A little Echo Park pp, alphas, ticket sticker and journaling block and some yellow Jenni Bowlin butterflies to which I added some clear Imaginese crystals with the iRock tool and voila, a touch of summer on a cold winter day in Calgary.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Project 12 - 2010

So to make it easy to find here is the entire year of my 2010 Project 12, enjoy!









This was so much fun and it will continue in 2011. Check it the January sketch reveal at the SCT blog HERE

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Word

When I first read about Ali Edwards' "One Little Word", I was very intrigued by the concept. Quite a few words came to mind and while they all were meaningful to me, none of the felt quite right. One evening last week I was thinking about my goals for the New Year and scrapping them and this word summed up what I will focus on this year.

supplies-patterned paper Heidi Swapp; Glimmer Mist Tattered Angels; black chipboard Cosmo Cricket; small alphas KaiserCraft; alphas My Minds Eye

Yup, that's the word ATTITUDE. I am working on a bible study entitled "Lord, Change My Attitude" and I am praying for a new attitude this year and working towards that as well. To have an attitude of gratitude, contentment and love. Put others before myself.

This layout will be in a frame hanging over my scrap desk so I will have a DAILY reminder of my 2011 goal.

Here is this weeks list from Leica Forrest
I told you I would type up every Monday a new list to add to your journaling. today's list is...
List your closest friends.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Project 12-December

Here it is, the final instalment of Project 12 for 2010. I am so excited that this is continuining for 2011!

Supplies-patterned paper MME, Basic Grey, cardstock-Bazzil, Sew Easy tool, AC Thickers, Rosette die Tim Holtz.

I had the option of using Christmas themed paper since this was for the month of December but I opted for something different and I am thrilled with the results! I also decided to mix colour and b&w photos too and I am happy with how this layout turned out.

Thanks for looking :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Coming Soon

A couple of layouts and my word for the year, hoping for some better light to photograph the layouts tomorrow. We had a winter storm blow in last night and IT.IS.COLD.
The snow is supposed to continue off and on through the week along with some very cold temps. It was a perfect day to spend inside and we so enjoyed spending the day with my BIL and his family along with another SIL and our niece and her husband. We are blessed to have so much extended family around us.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Last Layouts of 2010...

These were the last two layouts I completed in 2010, on New Years Eve in fact. I used supplies from the fantastic December Scrapshotz kit. If you are in the market for a kit club with TONS of product that's well priced then Scrapshotz kits are for you!

(glitter paper?;patterned paper, border, numbers, 'good life' sticker-Wintertime Echo Park, red chipboard alphas-Lush My Mind's Eye; bling-Bo Bunny; border punch-Martha Stewart)
(supplies: grungeboard wings-Tim Holtz; patterned paper & alpha stickers Wintertime-Echo Park; ribbon-May Arts(i think); sticker-Fancy Pants;edge punch-EKSuccess)

What I love most about creating these layouts is that the product is winter themed but it's been used on non-winter layouts. That's a challenge in itself! It's also one of the things I absolutely LOVE about double sided patterned paper, just give it a flip if one side doesn't work.

I've just completed my first layout of 2011 and I have a few layout ideas already brewing so I hope to get those all done and posted in the next few days. The one layout I really want to get to is my 2011 To Do list. I like to call it a "to do" instead of resolutions. My 2010 is still hanging in a frame above my scrap desk so I need to switch it out soon!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Ummm, we'll see how this goes...I was literally just at leica forrest's blog and she is doing a 52 Lists challenge so it sounded like fun, maybe (insert eye rolling happy face here). Here is my first attempt at this:

List PETS you have had and their names:


I haven't thought about these animals in years. What memories will this bring back for you?? If you've scrapped about some pets no longer with us I'd love to see those layouts too!

Kraftin' Kimmie October Release Hop & Shop!

  Woohoo! Have you enjoyed all the incredible Krafty Peeks this week? So many amazing designs and samples from our Krafty Girls featuring ou...