Thursday, September 30, 2010

Poor Little Ones

The first round of illness has begun in our home. Cole got it first:

can you see the runny nose? Now Peyton is home for the second day in a row after leaving school early on Tuesday. It's just a cold that has to run it's course but I always feel sorry for them just the same and I also pray that I don't catch it! It hasn't stopped Cole from making us laugh like when he put this box on his foot and called it his "slippers".

As I write this he is walking around the house in his big sister's new pink winter boots, I have got to take pictures of this.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall Has Arrived

It seems to have only taken a few days for fall to arrive. We've had some lovely warm temperatures which make it easy to take but we are definitely moving toward the winter months. This is what it looks like in my neighborhood:

it is very beautiful but it sure has come quickly! The increased indoor hours could lead to more crafting but we will just have to wait and see. 

Here are a few more layouts. The first is a 2 pager about our spring break trip to Phoenix. The accents & alphas are The Girls Paperie, patterned paper is Studio Calico and the chipboard ticket backing the alphas is Maya Road and I sprayed it with Shimmerz and Smooch.

This next layout uses Cosmo Cricket patterned paper and chipboard, Bazzil cardstock and Thickers alphas. I love the rounded corners on this. Love my corner rounder!

This last layout uses all Bo Bunny Around the Block products except for the alphas which are Thickers and aren't those photos sweet? I just love children's clothes that are mini versions of what you might see their dad in.

I have a layout in the works as we speak so off to finish it off!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Another Week...

Well here we are at the beginning of the work/school week, although for parents there really is no end to the work week, we just take a break from our second or third jobs or more on the weekend. Our second last weekend of baseball took place and unfortunately I wasn't able to make it to church on Sunday as this little guy is sick

he has a cold which I hope is gone by Wednesday, that's my bible study day and I don't want to miss it and Blake has his first volleyball game so it would be fun if we all were able to go and watch it too!

So not much on the go as a result of trying to get the little guy to have a good rest. I hope this isn't the beginning of a round of sickies in the house!

On the crafting front I did complete a few layouts this weekend but I have not yet photographed them so I hope to have that done and have them ready to share tomorrow!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Great Canadian Scrapbook Carnival

I had the privilige of helping out Sandy and the girls in the Scrapshotz booth at this scrapbooking event put on by Canadian Scrapbooker. It was a day off from the kids and I really enjoyed all adult conversation for the day! Scrapbookers are so friendly so that makes the conversation easy too! It looked like all the scrappers were enjoying themselves and there was some scrapping happening in addition to the shopping!
I wasn't able to help out today as it's back to the baseball diamond for Blake's game but sun is shining and the forecast looks wonderful for the next few days. Off to enjoy the day!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Two Pagers

Yay the sun and some warmer temps have returned! Here are a couple more layouts I've been working on and they are both two pagers. I used create two page layouts almost exclusively however in the last year or so I have found myself making mostly single pages. Is one better than the other?? Not really. I think it really depends on the photos I am working with, primarily how many I have. I am going to challenge myself to do more two page layouts just because!

I love how this one turned out. The patterned paper, alphas and badges are American Crafts. Cardstock is from Stampin Up and I can't remember who makes the flowers.

I love how this one turned out! I did lots of rearranging before I settled on this photo arrangement but I am pleased with it. The pattered papers are by Basic Grey, large alphas are thickers, small are October Afternoon; brown flowers are by Lily Bee and the white flower is Prima.

Off to enjoy the sunshine now!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Well this post marks my 101st here!  Wow, I've stuck to this! I find that I can start some things with gusto and then just slowly drift away from them so I'm pleased to still be enjoying this. This has been a great way to remember some of the bits and pieces of life that happen but are sometimes quickly forgotten. Like a little guy trying on some new "slippers"
yes that is a box on his foot. Here he has big sis's backpack on.
A little girl and her homemade light saber, the kids are enthralled with everything Star Wars.
This guy is growing up and goofing around like this is starting to become the norm.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Another Dreary Day

It's raining here, again. Well I guess it could be snow so I really shouldn't complain but I have zero motivation to do anything with this kind of weather. I'm sitting by my wood stove keeping warm while I write this. It is a lovely place to be in my home. The washer is running and I've already had breakfast too so it's a productive day so far.

This weekend I made it my goal to complete my August Project 12 layout so here it is and sorry for the poor photo, like I mentioned earlier it is dreary and grey so the light to photograph is terrible but it's due on the SCT blog for a chance at the prize today so no time to wait for better conditions.**edited with new photo**

I used Basic Grey kraft basics for the background, Stamping Up and Recollections cardstock. The patterned paper and stickers are from Echo Park. The butterflies are accented with rhinestones from Ruby Rock It and pearls from Kaiser Craft and Basic Grey. I've done the dotted border with Stickles. The title alphas are by Bo Bunny.

I'm off to put another log on the fire now!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Latest Projects

The sun was out long enough to photograph my latest creations. In my haste to get it done I forgot to photograph a card I've created so that is still to come!

All supplies used are We Are Memory Keepers

Cardstock is recollections, the blue patterned paper is Heidi swapp and the red is BoBunny. Large alpha are Doodlebug, small alphas are Glitz.

My Project 12 July. Basic Grey & Sassafrass paper, Jenni Bowlin tickets and butterflies.

Bazzil cs, patterned paper My Mind's Eye, alphas Thickers
Cardstock is Recollections, pearls are Basic Grey, Glimmermist, all other supplies are October Afternoon.
Patterned paper and large alphas are Making Memories, small alphas are Glitz, rub ons are Basic Grey and felt accents are Fancy Pants.

The kids already have a day off school tomorrow and I am sure looking forward to sleeping in, until 7am anyways ;) .

Back with that card tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wish List Wednesday

Check out the latest offering from October Afternoon. Isn't it sweet? I have no idea how I would use this as I am not a "vintage" scrapper but I am looking forward to seeing what others will do with this! Check out this , it's a great mini book using some of these products.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another Dreary Day

I must admit that this rainy, drizzly weather completely saps my motivation. All I feel like doing is lying around on the sofa and watching television which I actually did do for a couple of hours. Ray and I are in declutter mode now so he is taking on one of the basement storage rooms and I am going to do some purging in my craft room. I already cleaned out one of the kitchen "junk" drawers and some of the boys' clothes out of their dressers. It seems like a never ending task but hey, we're a family of 6, it takes lots of stuff to keep the family ticking!

Once again I did not have enough light to photograph my latest paper projects but I do have this layout to share from a recently completed layout tag at Scrapshotz.

All products are Bo Bunny except for the cardstock which is Bazzil.

Keep warm and dry!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Rainy Monday

Brrr it is rainy and cold around here today and I have spent most of the day in front of our wood stove in the basement. Since it's so gloomy I have not been able to photograph all my paper projects I completed over the weekend so keep checking in to see them later this week!

Have to run and get supper in the over before I go pick up Blake from school!


Friday, September 10, 2010

Welcome Friday!

Our first full (4 days in a row anyways) week of school has come to a close. Fridays are late entry for the boys and they were both glad to have the opportunity to sleep in, especially Blake. I announced to the children that they would be in charge of cooking supper tonight so we'll see how that goes. If they only do part of it even, that will be extremely helpful. I have a scrapbook layout I want to finish today before the September layout tag at Scrapshotz starts this evening.

Some time ago I mentioned that the boys would be getting new beds. Here is what they look like.
Jack's Bed
Blake's Bed

The boys are thrilled with them. Blake's bed has a trundle which as already been used a couple of times. His bed also has three drawers so we were able to eliminate a dresser and gain some space in the room. Here is a view of both beds:

So now pictures need to be hung and I need to find some hooks to hang up the boys hats and their football jerseys they have outgrown but want to use as decoration. Now if I could just break Jack of this:
He's always "storing" something under the bed and boy does it bug me because then he complains when his little brother plays with his toys and loses a piece. That's what happens when you leave your things within easy reach of a two year old :)

I'm looking forward to a nice, quiet evening at home watching our Calgary Stampeders steamroll their rivals to the north, the Edmonton Eskimos.

Go Stamps Go!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Activities

After school on Wednesday, this sweet girl went to her first martial arts class and she LOVED it so she is all signed up for twice per week and all oufitted as well.

I'm really excited for her. She hasn't found "her" activity yet so I hope it is this. I was so impressed with not only the physical training they are doing but also the mental training. The class is structured with some character building teaching times in addition to the physical workout. I am also looking forward to seeing my little girl grow stronger physically.

Wednesday evening was also Blake's first time attending Resonate, our church's weekly youth group event for grade 7-12 kids. He got home pretty late, at 9:45pm so I think he will be ready for bed early tonight as 6:30am came very quickly for him this morning.

Another rainy, cool day here so I am enjoying a nice, warm wood stove fire in my basement. It's a great day to curl up with a good book indoors.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wish List Wednesday

The internet is a window shoppers paradise and I have found a couple more items to add to my wish list.

The first is this fabulous camera bag by Epiphanie:
This is the Lola in red. I soooooo want one of these! This photo does not show this off in all it's glory. You can see this bag and the other models at the Ephiphanie websitw here .

Here are some of the Basic Grey embossing folders by Sizzix. Some great choices for Christmas!

You can view the entire Basic Grey collection on the Sizzix website here . 

Last night I spent some time downloading some actions for Photoshop Elements at the Pioneer Woman website. I'm looking forward to giving them a try! BTW, the Pioneer Woman website is a fantastic resource for photography and so many other things! I've bookmarked it now and can't wait for some free time to check it out in more detail. I should have some opportunity to do that as the forecast here calls for rain for the next couple of days.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to Routine

With today being the first day of a full week of school for the kids we will be working on our family routine. I have my alarm set for 6am so I can be out of bed by 6:15am. The boys have to be up by 6:30am and we drive them to their bus stop at 7:15am. One of the things the kids really struggle with is getting their stuff ready the night before. No matter how much I hint, remind, plead, nag, at least one of the three is scrambling for something which means mom is racing around trying to get them out the door to the bus on time. The biggest problem is that I end up angry at the kids and I hate having them leave the house feeling bad. We are going to have a family meeting about this tonight at dinner and hopefully come up with some solutions.

This weekend I had a great time working on some projects for challenges over at Scrapshotz. Here are a couple of cards I did. The challenge was to create a "Get Well" card and a notecard. I've used papers from October Afternoon the ribbon is Dear Lizzy from American Crafts.

This layout is for a challenge to use flowers on a masculine page. I must admit it is out of my comfort zone to use flowers on boy pages so I went with a mimimal amount. I kind of like how it turned out. The papers are Echo Park-Life is Good.

This last layout is for a challenge to use a list on a layout. These were fun photos to work with. The papers are Jillibean Soup.

I have one more layout I am just finishing up today I will try to post this week.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labour Day!

This holiday means it's time for the Calgary Stampeders-Edmonton Eskimos Labour Day Classic football game. Ray will be taking the big kids to the game and I will catch it at home with Cole on t.v. while working on the laundry, that is a never ending chore! I hope to get some scrapping in as well, I have a layout I began yesterday to finish.

Go Stamps Go!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

School-Day 2

The kids started school yesterday and it was nice to hear them all say they were excited. Peyton came to me the night before and told me she was going to miss not seeing me all day. I do miss their sweet faces but NOT all the noise they make! Here is my grade 6 student, Jack before going to his class:

Here is Peyton going into grade 4 this year.

Ray picked them up from school so the evening was filled with filling out forms and writing cheques for school fees. Blake's Junior High fees came to a grand total of $352.00, ouch! Blake and I then had to go to Staples to pick up a few more school supplies requested by his teachers. It was great to see him sit down and work at organizing his stuff.

Today was late entry for the boys so school did not start until 10:01am so Jack was able to play with Cole for a bit.
Since Cole was awake at 6:15am he went back to sleep at 11:30am for his nap so I finally have a chance to post some layouts I recently completed.

I had so much fun with this photo and I used a Maya Road envelop as a photo mat. Not my original idea, I think I saw it in a magazine or a layout somewhere online.

Another fun set of photos to work with. I was disappointed with the Lily Bee rub ons though. They just did not want to go on so I decided to just leave the partial ones on the bottom to add to the "shabby" feel of the layout.

This card was my intrepretation of the last Summer Lovin' Blog Challenge at Scrapshotz. Felt good to use up some paper scraps for this one.

Here is my last layout. Loved using the circles!

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday Wish List

It'Oh my list is getting longer and longer and more costly by the minute! The awesome DT at Scrapshotz kicked off the month of September with a bang with their reveal last night. So much awesome product on display. Check out what Guest Designer Erica did with this:

It's some of the Paddington line from 7 Gypsies and Erica rocked it out! Out of all the great lines showcased this month, this was my favourite. Thanks for the great inspiration Erica! Check out her gallery by clicking on the link above.

Tune in tomorrow when the kids are off to their first day of school! I'll have a wee bit of time to post some recently completed layouts!

Kraftin' Kimmie October Release Hop & Shop!

  Woohoo! Have you enjoyed all the incredible Krafty Peeks this week? So many amazing designs and samples from our Krafty Girls featuring ou...