Sunday, December 29, 2013

Stuck On You Sketches Project Life Challenge

Good Morning and welcome to another SOUS Project Life challenge :)

This week's challenge is to use 3 label strips so I rummaged through my stash and discovered label stickers by October Afternoon and here's how I put them to use:

I placed them on the journal card and used SC stamps and a SN@P stamp on the labels. You could use the labels for dates or names or even journaling if you print small.
Have fun with this challenge and thanks for stopping by :)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!!

Will be updating December Daily™2013 tomorrow [I hope ;)] in the meantime, wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas, Peace and Good Health to your families!


Sunday, December 22, 2013

December Daily™ 2013 #Day20

I was so tempted to re-do my handwritten journaling on this day as I wrote it when I was tired just before going to bed and you can tell by how messy it is but I decided not to because that's real life sometimes.

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, December 20, 2013

December Daily™ #Day19

It's officially holiday time now that the kids are all off school until January!

Thanks for looking :)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

December Daily 2013 #Day18

***If you're popping in from SOUS, click on the tab at the top for that post. You may need to select "view all posts" if the most recent doesn't automatically appear.***

I have room to move in my closet now that I've wrapped all the gifts I've had "hidden" in there. 
The kids are well aware of my hiding place however I threatened them with physical violence if they dared to peek ;)). 

Thanks for looking!

December Daily 2013 #Day10-17

Another post catching up the last bunch of days.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

DD 2013 #Day6, 7, 8 and 9

***If you're popping in from SOUS, click on the tab at the top for that post. You may need to select "view all posts" if the most recent doesn't automatically appear.***

Nothing like a good old round of the flu to put the halt on documenting December but I can now officially say I am caught up!!

Here's the first of a series of posts updating my December Daily progress.

Sitting down and making out a list of last gifts to buy and planning the food for Christmas Eve and Day.

An evening at a Mexican Posada with my mom.

A relaxing Sunday hanging out at home.

A sick day at our house.

Thanks for dropping in!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

SOUS Project Life > Week 44

Hello and welcome to week 44 of my Project Life and another Stuck On U Sketches  PL challenge.

The challenge is to use a tabbed card:

{supplies: journal card Elle's Studio, paper, tabs, die cuts, frame Pink Paislee Portfolio}

The tabbed journal card in the bottom right pocket is by Elle's studio. I created the tabbed card at the top by layering a Pink Paislee die cut frame over the 4x6 pp hanging the "tab" portion off the edge and added actual tabs to the card as well.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Friday, December 6, 2013

December Daily 2013 #Day5

Today is about Christmas cards, I included one of the cards we received which I cut down to fit the page protector.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December Daily 2013 #Day3

Welcome to Day 3! One of my favourite things about this project is the opportunities it provides to share my personal memories, day-to-day living or hopes and wishes for the future :).

Now before anyone thinks day 3 is a well written masterpiece let me disabuse you of that ;)).
There may be some of that later but not today. Day 3 touches on food, a small thought about the big meals to come and what our main meal of the day was for this particular day in December.

Thanks for popping in!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December Daily 2013 #daytwo

We spent all day yesterday under a blizzard warning for our area. Strong winds, blowing snow and temperatures well below zero. The kids all went to school except the youngest so day two is all about that.
I had fun with this as I had some sparkly fluff on my work table from some Christmas cards I had made so I sealed it inside the page protector to look like snow :).

I embellished with a few TC sequins and a die cut along with some Momenta metal snowflakes.

Thanks for looking!

Monday, December 2, 2013

December Daily 2013 #DayOne

**If you're stopping by to see my SOUS post please scroll down or click the tab above**

Hello, today begins my 5th year of December Daily and another year of Journal Your Christmas.
I'm using JYC for photo and journal prompts which works great  for days that I may not have a story to tell about our day. The past few years I have used the SC December Daily kit but I decided not to purchase it this year since I have a massive supply of Christmas product on hand.
I'm using a 6x6 WRMK album and various Teresa Collins, October Afternoon, Studio Calico, AC, Maya Road and Bazzil product.

Here's Day One, the signs of the Christmas season now upon us, click on the image to make it larger:

Thanks for taking a look!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Stuck On You Sketches-December 2-Project Life

Hello and welcome to my very first SOUS Project Life Design Team post!
Welcome to week 43 and the scallop circle challenge:

{PL Clementine & Midnight core kit; Ruby RockIt patterned paper; Prima wood buttons}

I designed the bottom left filler card with the scallop circle layed over top of a punched circle and doily cut to fit the 4x6 grid paper. I finished it off with a circle and heart wood button.

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!

Kraftin' Kimmie October Release Hop & Shop!

  Woohoo! Have you enjoyed all the incredible Krafty Peeks this week? So many amazing designs and samples from our Krafty Girls featuring ou...