Thursday, July 28, 2011

Week In The Life-Day Three

The day got off to an early start, in my opinion, I was up by 8:15 as Jack needed to be at batting practive for 10am. Sounds like lots of time to get ready but I need at least 45 minutes to flat iron my hair ;).
I had the chance to read my bible and write in my journal this morning and this verse really caught my eye this morning:

"My salvation and honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge." Psalm 62:7

This was so good for me to read before an important baseball game for Jack. I think it's sometimes more difficult for the parents than their kids playing to not put their own success or self-worth on how they play in the game. I want Jack to do well but ulimately, he is not a better or worse person because of what he does on the ball diamond. He's loved by God no matter what, along with his teammates, whether they know Him personally or not. Consequently I was supportive but calm during todays game and not at all upset that they lost. They move on to play for 3rd place tomorrow morning and I am so excited for them-for Jack-to have that opportunity.

Here is our Wednesday in photos:
Teeth brushed in the recommended time! Love my Oral B power toothbrush!
Just poured my cup of coffee, heading out the door for batting practice!
In the vehicle at the diamond for batting practice, off to Foothills soon!
Here's Jack in the warmup at Foothills, North Regina won the consolation game before so they will play Medicine Hat in the game after ours to go to the Bronze Medal game.
Ready to eat after the loss, Bowridge lost to Lethbridge SW and will play for 3rd place at 9am, good job kids!!!!
This is when we arrived home and I had to clean up the kitchen cause Ray didn't have time before he left and neither did I ;)

So Ray brought Peyton home and she watched the Princess Diaries, the boys played MineCraft and I got caught up on my blog reading. Another busy day for this Week In the Life project but a great snapshot of our life with an All-Star baseball player. We may not have this experience again next summer so glad to have it now. Here is the rest of our day in photos:

Yum, bbq'd chicken!

Jack is crawling on the counter, why???
Jack didn't believe me that there was batting practice this morning because he didn't hear it said himself.
I need to spend more time listening to the kids talk to each other, just plain listening.

Hearing Blake and Jack laughing together while  watching Blake play Minecraft, love that they enjoyed each others company rather than competing against each other :)

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